If you suffer from any illness or former medical problems please inform me at the consultation. This will enable us to prepare you for the operation in the best possible manner. The operation is only performable under a good general state of health. A sore throat, common cold, flu, fevers or more acute illnesses may cause the postponement of the operation. In the case of pregnancy, it is not possible to perform any kind of operation.
Medical tests prior to the operation: The results of the medical tests must be no older than four weeks. Operation under local anaesthetic needs the following tests: Total blood test, sedimentation test, blood sugar level, prothrombin.
Eating and drinking: It is possible to eat and drink on the day of the operation, only straight before the operation is not recommended.
Smoking: Do not smoke on either the day of the operation or the day before the operation.
Personal hygiene: It is recommended to wash your hair the night before the operation. Please remove all traces of make up from the face and nails. It is advisable not to undergo a period in a solarium for one week prior to the operation.
Clothing: It is necessary to bring comfortable clothes, avoid tight pieces.
Arrival at the clinic: The patient should arrive one hour before the exact time of the operation. You do not need to bring any personal items other than slippers. If you are taking a course of medication, you should bring with you the correct amount that you would need for your time at the clinic.
You should arrange another means of transport, as it is not possible to drive during this day because of the anaesthetic.
The first day at home: You may need some painkillers.
The schedule for the series of dressing changes and post-operative checks will not be made before the operation but will be reviewed at each stage.
These can be:
– If, for a few days after the operation, the natural, normally decreasing pain suddenly intensifies, it becomes burning and throbbing.
– If the surgical area becomes tight, hard, or significantly swollen, there may be a high degree of asymmetry in the area.
– Higher fever (above 38 ° C), possibly chills.
– If the bandage bleeds significantly or other types of discharge occur.
– If a bond is loosened or slipped.
– If you notice any unusual change or deterioration in your health.
IN CASE OF ANY PROBLEM, CALL US AT THE FOLLOWING PHONE NUMBERS: +36 20 9418 336, +36 20 4217 133, +36 1 257 58 73
If you suffer from any illness or former medical problems please inform me at the consultation. This will enable us to prepare you for the operation in the best possible manner. The operation is only performable under a good general state of health. A sore throat, common cold, flu, fevers or more acute illnesses may cause the postponement of the operation. In the case of pregnancy it is not possible to perform any kind of operation.
Medical tests prior to the operation: The results of the medical tests must be no older than four weeks. Operation under general anaesthetic needs the following tests: Total blood test, sedimentation test, prothrombin, blood sugar level, CRP, Se electrolyte /Na K /, liver function test / SGOT, SGPT, Se bi /, kidney function test / Carbamid N, Creatinin /, TSH, Total urine test, ECG.
Before breast surgeries, breast ultrasonic test and mammography test results are valid for 6 months.
Eating and drinking: Eating and drinking are prohibited for 6 hours prior to surgery. You cannot even drink a sip of water.
Smoking: Do not smoke on either the day of the operation or the day before the operation. For some types of surgery – especially facelift, tummy tuck, breast augmentation – it may be necessary to quit smoking even months before surgery.
Personal Hygiene: Primarily before breast augmentation, but before other body interventions too, it may be helpful to use an antibacterial shower gel or soap for daily cleansing for a few days. These products are available in a wide range at perfume shops and pharmacies, and their use can reduce the bacterial flora of the skin, so that the skin surface can be better prepared for disinfection. Such preparation is especially important for patients who have pets, dogs, cats, etc. Perform a thorough shampooing of the hair the night before the operation! Before entering, please remove any make-up from your face and polish from your nails. After bathing or showering at home, do not use greasy body lotion on the body surface to be operated on. We do not recommend a solarium or intensive sunbathing in the week before surgery. For artificial nails, remove one from the larger nail area of the left hand. Tell your anaesthetist if you are wearing contact lenses or removable dentures.
Arrival at the clinic: The patient should arrive one hour before the exact time of the operation. You do not need to bring any personal items other than slippers and a toothbrush. You cannot wear jewellry in the operating room, so it is better to leave them at home. If you are taking a course of medication, you should bring with you the correct amount that you would need for your time in the clinic.
Adresse of the clinic: 1125 Budapest, Nógrádi utca 4.
Typically, patients leave the clinic around seven o’ clock in the morning the day after the operation. You should arrange another means of transport, as it is not possible to drive during this day because of the anaesthetic. It is advisable to leave with a relative.
The first day at home: Rarely, mild nausea or vomiting may occur. Mild dizziness is common, especially if you suddenly get up from a horizontal position. It is therefore advisable to sit on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before getting up. These complaints may be a side effect of anesthesia and usually resolve within 24 hours. Pain may occur for a few days after certain surgeries, so arrange for painkillers in advance. Generally, a moderate analgesic is sufficient. If antibiotics are needed after surgery, you may take probiotics as an adjunct treatment (to prevent gastrointestinal complaints). These can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription e.g. Normaflore, Protexin. Smoking is usually not recommended for 5-6 days after surgery, and is prohibited in some types of surgery, because it can cause wound healing disorders and skin death.
Scar treatment: No cosmetics, creams or ointments should be applied on the scar until the suture has been removed. A few days after suture removal, apply a greasy cream, marigold cream for two to three weeks. Other greasy creams may also be suitable, the key is keeping the area around the scar soft. From the third week onwards, silicone scar treatment is recommended. There are several types of silicone scar treatment gels, such as Dermatix, Remescar which, just like Contractubex, are available in pharmacies without a prescription.
The schedule for the series of dressing changes and post-operative checks will not be made before the operation but will be reviewed at each stage.
These can be:
– If, for a few days after the operation, the natural, normally decreasing pain suddenly intensifies, it becomes burning and throbbing.
– If the surgical area becomes tight, hard, or significantly swollen, there may be a high degree of asymmetry in the area.
– Higher fever (above 38 ° C), possibly chills.
– If the bandage bleeds significantly or other types of discharge occur.
– If a bond is loosened or slipped.
– If you notice any unusual change or deterioration in your health.
IN CASE OF ANY PROBLEM, CALL US AT THE FOLLOWING PHONE NUMBERS: +36 20 9418 336, +36 20 4217 133, +36 1 257 58 73